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Show Up For


Are you shrinking the real you to fit into an environment you’ve outgrown or to make others feel more comfortable?


Are you searching for purpose and passion, hungry for something to pour your heart into?


Do you know what you long to do or be but can’t figure out how to make a living doing it?


Are you tired of feeling empty or far from where you expected to be at this point in your life?


Shine is the program for you!




Getting Your Mind Right


Session 1: What You Thought You Knew For Sure


Session 2: Clearing the path


Session 3: Success Defined


Session 4: Where My Help Comes From



Getting Your Heart Right


Session 5: Ego or Calling


Session 6: What’s Your Why?


Session 7: Becoming You


Session 8: Surrender



Getting Your Actions Right


Session 9: Energy and Flow


Session 10: Call to Action


Session 11: Connection


Session 12: Communication

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